2025 Is a Universal 9 Year, ending of the old to make way for the new.
January is a universal One month and we can say were starting off this year with a bang. This year will be making steps to go forward with some major fresh starts. Regardless of what our personal month is we are all dealing with the One Universal Month. New beginnings and looking into what this month will be for all of us universally, look at this along with our personal month issues. Our personal information working with the universal issues. as always will create some peaks and valley that will certainly be getting our attention.
January is a 1 Universal Month, fresh starts and new beginning’s
Capricorn Strengths
Capricorn Weaknesses
Capricorn Dec 22 to January 19 – Ruler is Saturn. Self-confident, calm and hardworking. Very independent know their capabilities, rarely trust others to finish details. They are very practical, responsible, persistent and very stable. Always aims to be top of the heap and they usually get there. They tend to be the business people of the zodiac and try to always be on the winning side. They tend to be very self-discipline and responsible.
Famous Capricorns – Kate Middleton, David Bowie, Michelle Obama, Denzel Washington, Jude Law, Orlando Bloom, Elvis Presley and Muhammad Ali.
What is your wealth potential by the numbers
Today people measure their success by what they own or have, but there are many kinds of wealth, monetary, spiritual or material, and it all depends on what we feel or what we need.
When we look at the numbers of a person’s numerology chart, we get to see how they succeed or become independent by how they use what they have and or appreciate what is available to them. Gifts come in many sizes and forms.
Some people require recognition, some just the money, others are the dreamers who have much to share with the world and do so lovingly. We can win a lottery and have seen where it destroys the individual or the family. Others win and share and life becomes a joy for many. The more we have the more it takes to keep up with it.
When we look at our destiny number, we see what we can achieve and how we will handle the gifts offered to us.
To find out your destiny number add your birth month, birth day and birth year together and then total across and reduce to a single number.
March 25, 1971
3+2+5+1+9+7+1 = 28
2+8 = 10
1+0 = 1
(add the numbers together until you have a single number.)
1 Wants to acquire the material side of life and they must carry out what they would like to take place with out the assistance of others. They need to be the leaders.
2 Great partner or team player, get what they want by being themselves. They are very diplomatic and are good to deal with.
3 Likes to be in situations where they look good and can be creative. Money is made by your ability to communicate.
4 Hard workers and earn every penny. Detail person who may find life boring but is willing to do the work.
5 Can make large sums of money but can also spend a lot. Needs partnership with those that will pay attention to the cash flow of the partnership.
6 Smart about how to make the money but can be annoyed with those that can’t. Important that those around them play by the rules.
7 Always paying attention, fearful of being poor. Need to realize mistakes can be made but there are opportunities keep a check on what is transpiring. Teacher and student
8 This is the leader the director who has much potential for the material side of life. Can create issues with wanting too much and not being patient enough.
9 Usually has a vocation that will give a good income and be of assistance to the masses. Doctor, lawyer, but can add to that teacher as they are the humanitarian.
“There comes a time in
your life, when you walk
away from all the drama
and people who create
You surround yourself
with people who make
you laugh. Forget the bad,
and focus on the good.
Love the people who treat
You right, pray for the
ones who don’t. Life is
too short to be anything
but happy. Falling down
Is a part of life, getting
back up is living.”
Jos’e N. Harris
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