This is a three universal month and is about creativity, communications and socializing.  The month starts with a lot of optimism and some great ideas. There will be a tendency to over spend as it seems life is about feeling good, or at the very least making us feel good. Do not allow scattered energy to get in your way and or create issues that allow gossip to rear its ugly head. Pay attention to what you have to say and share with others as information can be misconstrued.

Your social side is looking for opportunities to enjoy life and making new friendships to take place.  Being social and out and about can also cause us to do some overspending, so it would be wise to deal with some sort of a budget.  The pretty things in life will pop up and entice us to spend, especially on fluff stuff.  The instantaneous good feelings won’t last and we will regret some of these expense as the month progresses. There is a luck factor that goes with this month so it is important to use it wisely. You may decide to try a lotto ticket, if so, do one.  If you’re going to be a winner one could do it.

There will be a tendency to be more of a dreamer at this time and you can be more interested in being or trying your hand at being more creative.  You will find that things will look and feel more positive as you share your like of colors.  Things that are different that will create or peak your interest in what is unique and different.  Think of this month as a time of looking for things that are different, unique and adding to your creativity.


 The birth number, you’ll find is the most important number and will be the first number I’d be looking for luck. This is particularly true, if you’re looking at situations for your own interest.  If carrying out your own plans it’s always best to use your own personal numbers. For example, if you were born on the third of the month, then the 3 is best for carrying out your own plans.   it’s always best to use your own personal numbers. So example if you were born on the third of the month, then the 3, 12, 21 and the 30th would all be important numbers for you.   Especially when carrying out our own plans. The birth number, you’ll find is the most important number to be looking for luck.

Some may find that the number of letters in your name example, Jane Lee Fedders.  Example; Number of letters in name; Jane Lee Fedders = 14, always lucky for that
 person.  Lucky numbers; combine birthday and month 10+17=1017 or 108, 18, or 9.

 Look at what day you are in, use the appropriate number for the day.

DAYS – Monday l, Tuesday 2, Wednesday 3, Thursday 4, Friday 5,
 Saturday 6, Sunday 7.  Next look at the number of letters in your name, this will show you numbers for you to choose which suits you best.

This gives four magic numbers; use the one that suits you best.   Use the number
 of day of week and number of hours at which you play or bet.

Just an additional tidbit

For those that want to be or are students or for those that are just interested in Astrology or Numerology I want to give you an extra bit of information about your personal year. 

You can acquire additional information by looking at the personal year along with the planet that rules what personal year your in. 

  The 1 personal year is ruled by the SUN

  The 2 personal year is ruled by the MOON

  If its an 11/2 personal year its ruled by PLUTO

  The 3 personal year is ruled by JUPITER

  The 4 personal year is ruled by the SUN

  But a 22/4 personal year is ruled by URANUS

  The 5 personal year is ruled by MERCURY

  The 6 personal year is ruled by VENUS

  The 7 personal year is both the MOON and NEPTUNE

  The 8 personal year is ruled by SATURN

  The 9 personal year is ruled by MARS




Margarita My Guest Reader

We all have specialties and I want to let you know about my good friend Margarita. She is a Psychic who explores all levels of the Past Present Future of your questions or concerns using Astrology Palmistry Tarot Dream Interpretation and more. Understanding the situational roots and origins explains where and why and how events are unfolding around you.

For additional information you can Contact Margarita at margaritrdr1@icloud.com or leave a message at: 1-520-405-6915 to arrange a session.


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Patricia Kirkman

Tucson, AZ.

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