February is a Universal 2 month, dealing with our sensitive side.
February is going to be a 2 Universal Month; it’s all about partnerships, relationships and being a good team player. Partnerships are important to you as are situations that involve women. Business Partnerships are often important and can grow. If you are not in a relationship, a meaningful one can begin and be long lasting. Let things come to you. Work with others. Strengthen friendships. Be patient. New opportunities can drop in your lap unexpectedly. Your concerns will be on Business Relationships, Marriage, Divorce, Love and Affairs. This is a time that requires tactfulness and being diplomatic. Don’t allow the sensitive side to over whelm you. Do not allow yourself to create that over sensitivity that does not suit your overall wellbeing. This is a good time for study, establishing good relationships and doing things that can make you happy. There will be a tendency to be overly sensitive and being moody is quite possible, this can create mixed messages to those we deal with or care about. It’s a great time to take care of all the little things that you have been putting aside. Putting relationships up front, this can be the best and worst of times in a relationship. You may feel moody, experience nervous energies, and cry. This year deals with emotional health and maintaining balance. This is and can be a time of make it or break it attitudes. Use your sensitive side to put things into order, do not overdo and create a loss with those you care about.
If you are in a bad relationship, the odds are it will end. If you are not in a relationship, then you have the opportunity for a meaningful one to begin and be long lasting. Your concerns at this time are on Business Relationships, Marriage, Divorce, Love and Affairs. If single you will want that heart and soul mate. You will find that Business Partnerships are often important and can grow at this time. Try to allow things to come to you. Working with others is key and important that you learn to share ideas not push just yours. Strengthen your friendships and be patient. You will find that new opportunities can come out of now ware and unexpectedly. You may feel moody, experience nervous energies, and cry. You will find that this year deals with emotional health and sensitivity in balance.
To Make a Difference
In Someone’s Life,
You don’t have to be Brilliant,
Rich, Beautiful, or Perfect.
You just have to care.
Your Personal Year and Ruling Planet

For those who are interested in Astrology and Numerology I want to give you an extra bit of information about your personal year.
You can acquire additional information by looking at your personal year along with the planet that rules what personal year your in.
The 1 personal year is ruled by the SUN One – Fresh starts and new beginnings, about the self, business success, not emotional success, being a leader. Color – Red
The 2 personal year is ruled by the MOON Two – Partnerships, peacemaker, sensitive, team player, emotional, form important relationships. Color – Orange
The 3 personal year is ruled by JUPITER Three – Good communication skills, interested in art or music, creative, dreamer. Optimistic and or pessimistic. Color – Yellow
The 4 personal year is ruled by the SUN Four – Detailed, interested in work and how to handle things by the book. Obedient, frugal, finances. Color – Green
The 5 personal year is ruled by MERCURY Five – Year of major changes, good to bad, bad to good. Free spirit, usually with people who are younger or act younger. Personal freedom. Short distance travel. Color – Tan
The 6 personal year is ruled by VENUS Six – Family is important, home, decorating and working on behalf others. Likes things done perfect. Relationship and care for friends, family. Be willing to compromise. Color – Blue
The 7 personal year is both the MOON and NEPTUNE – emotions, instinct, the personality, reaction without thinking. Neptune is illusion, the imagination. Perfect year for teaching, learning and working on the spiritual side of life. Things to do with the law may come up, contracts etc. Craves silence. Color – Purple
The 8 personal year is ruled by SATURN – responsibility, strength of character, ethics of hard work. Eight – Leading is the name of the game. Financial year, making money or leading. Learn to delegate, prestige and reputation. Good business sense. Color – Grey
The 9 personal year is ruled by MARS. Nine – Finish, assistance to others. Emotional year. Wrapping up what has happened over the past 8 years. What we do and can do for others being impersonal. Long distance travel. Color – Gold
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